Today marks the 4th day in the EAA-Media Productions 16 days of activism as they fight against the sexual harassment of African Women in the workplace.
Although there has been laws passed such as the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights of Women, the topic of sexual harassment is still quite taboo and leaves many women helpless.
A report done in 2012 by Research gate showed that out of 324 Ghanaian workers, 68% of women had been sexually assaulted and 58% had their career threatened if they didn’t comply to sexual advances.
This has also been an issue in the media workplaces for Africa causing EAA-Media to create the movement through #TimesupAfriMedia.
They partnered with other African organisations such as African Women in Media, co-founded by Dr Yemisi Akinbobola that aims to ‘inspire, support and empower African women in the media’.
African women in the media such as Director of the EAA-Media- Esther A, Armah have been publishing articles such as ‘Sisterhood of Silence-Breakers’ where she exposes the harassment of women in these media workplaces.
“Media is my industry. It is Our industry. It is part of a nation’s mirror to what is wrong…It is beyond time for our media to mirror its own actions.” - Esther A, Armah- ‘Emotional Justice’ Creator, Director of EAA Media productions
#TimesUpAfriMedia shall end the 10th December on international human rights day, in the days to come EAA-Media expect changes to be made.